I remember the first time I saw the GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) in action. I was amazed, and it seemed like real magic.

I was in my friend’s car, and he is such an early adopter of so much new technology. He told me about the GPS system that he recently had installed in his automobile.

At the time we both worked for United Way, and we were off to visit a new nonprofit organization supported by United Way. He dictated the nonprofit’s name into the GPS, and the magical gizmo produced a map and directions where to go. It told us when to turn and when we would be there.

Soon I purchased a GPS system for my car. This one not only gave me directions, but it also showed me where traffic jams were. It rerouted me to avoid backups. I remember when we were on an interstate road trip, and my late wife, Debbie, wanted to have dinner in a nice Italian restaurant. Well, the GPS found us a lovely Italian inn in a part of the world we had never been before.

Rev. Jen Hutchins

But then I read a transcript of a Sunday message that was given by Rev. Jen Hutchins. Rev. Jen was in my class at Unity Institute & Seminary. She is a very talented artist, and she also is the founder of Unity Arts Ministry, a wonderful alternative Unity ministry.

Unity Arts Ministry focuses on helping people develop creative and artistic ways to express spiritual feelings. Unity Worldwide Ministries recently has been sponsoring many alternative ministries beyond traditional churches.  I also have a great painting done by Jen of the cupola above Unity Prayer Ministries at Unity Village. In Jen’s painting there is an incredible sunrise behind the cupola with a burst of colors.

Jen’s Sunday message was about a time when she was driving with her young son into a part of the country that she did not know. The GPS had her drive off main highways and on to smaller and smaller roads.

Jen realized there had to be a mistake in what the GPS was doing. Finally she had the good sense to override the GPS and seek alternative means for directions. It was through these alternative means that she arrived at her destination.

Charles Fillmore, a cofounder of the Unity movement, wrote about the 12 Powers that we all have inside of us. One of these powers is the power of Wisdom. Or as John Denver sang, “It’s in every one of us to be wise.”

This wisdom often can show up as the ability to have real discernment. In this specific case it is real discernment to know when to follow what your GPS is telling you to do, and when— like Rev. Jen— to seek alternative means for directions.

We all have another GPS inside of us. I call it our God Positioning System. It can show up as our incredible sense of intuition. It can manifest as Synchronicity. As those of us who are part of the new U7H group on Mysticism and Metaphysics (led by Pamela Smith) we are learning it can often come through spirit guides.

One of the best definitions I have ever heard of God is: GOD = Good Orderly Direction.

When we take the time to center, take a deep breath, and “go into the silence” (as Myrtle Fillmore— the other cofounder of the Unity movement— called it), then our God Positioning System can take us to a land beyond our wildest dreams.

And here is another piece of incredibly good news. That great Unity teacher, Eric Butterworth, pointed out that we cannot make a mistake. If a metaphysical fork appears in the road, then we face a choice. If we make a choice that leads us to where we want to go, then that is great, Eric says.

But if we make a choice that leads us to where we do not want to go, then there will be a real lesson for us, Eric notes. In fact, in the long run we will often learn more by taking the wrong fork in the road than we will by taking the right fork, he adds. Thus, in the long run, we cannot make a mistake, and we will be blessed, Butterworth insists.

I have seen this observation by Eric Butterworth often demonstrated in my life. Recently I had an experience which touched on all of the above GPS stuff.

I had just dropped off my daughter, Robin, for her sophomore year at the University of Massachusetts, located in Amherst, Massachusetts. My eight-year-old daughter, Therese, and I were headed back to Virginia.

The last thing in the world I wanted to do was drive through bumper-to-bumper traffic in New York City. But it appeared that the GPS directions were leading us to traffic jams in New York City.

I decided to take an alternative path which would help us avoid the Big Apple. The problem was that my way was leading us off interstate highways and onto country roads. So I decided to re-engage the GPS for directions.

But the difficulty seemed to be that the new GPS path was leading us on to a smaller and smaller roads. It was very beautiful country, but I remembered Rev. Jen’s experience. Was the GPS leading us on a wild goose chase? What should I do?

At that point, even though we were on a very small road — which was almost a dirt path— there was a sign by the side of the road, which said: Massachusetts/Connecticut state line. I centered, took a deep breath, and went into the silence. The following came to me: Since you just entered Connecticut, you know that you are headed south. Have faith that you will run into larger highways that will avoid New York City.

I felt renewed faith and calm, and we did run into a larger state highway. We were able to avoid New York City and get home in good time.

The Global Positioning System is a great invention. But I am also glad that we all have a God Positioning System that will see us through.

Unity in the Seven Hills .

Unity in the Seven Hills is a spiritual community associated with Unity Worldwide Ministries


