A few weeks ago (February 21 to be precise) I devoted a Wednesday blog/column to the seemingly never-ending question: What is Unity?

A “town hall” meeting recently had been held— which included many ministers and licensed Unity teachers— that discussed if Unity is “Christian” or some form of “Universal Spirituality”?

Several polls were taken during this Zoom meeting. Let me recap the results of these polls:

1) Is Unity Worldwide New Thought?

     Yes:  92%

     No:     8%

2) Is Unity Worldwide Christian?

     Yes:  56%

     No:   44%

3). Is Unity Worldwide Christian Metaphysical Christianity?

     Yes:   80%

     No:    20%

4) Is Unity Worldwide Ministries Practical  Christianity?

     Yes: 76%

     No:  24%

These results indicate that many Unity leaders are in both wings of the Unity movement (e.g., Christian and Universal Spirituality). In the February 21st column I advocated that the Unity movement remain a “wide tent” with room for both wings. I also predicted that this debate will continue for many generations. It will not be a “one and done” thing!

Several of you have asked me: Why is the “What is Unity Issue?” coming up now? I think there’s a very clear answer to this question. The president and CEO of Unity Worldwide Ministries, Rev. Shad Groverland, has been conducting a series of workshops around the country entitled “The Power of Focused Ministry.” I attended the workshop that Rev. Groveland held at Unity of Charlottesville.

During these workshops Rev. Shad has advocated that the Unity movement clearly identify itself as being “progressive Christian” or “metaphysical Christianity.” Needless to say, not every Unity leader has been happy with these pronouncements coming from the president and CEO of Unity Worldwide Ministries.

At the Unity Worldwide Ministries Annual Summit that was held in February, this topic again was front and center during several sessions. The UWM Annual Summit was a hybrid meeting held at both Unity Village (outside of Kansas City) and online. I attended the meeting via zoom.

The feelings expressed by many Unity leaders often were quite strong. Some ministers said that they fully supported what Rev. Shad was doing, and that their congregations were thriving because of his suggestions.

Other ministers expressed real hurt over what has happened. Several Unity ministers even said that Rev. Shad had told them that if they could not buy into this direction, then they should consider leaving Unity and become Ministers with Centers for Spiritual Living.

During the UWM Annual Summit several new polls were taken, and I think these results are very instructive. Let me share them with you:

1) Do you use “Christian” to describe your church?

        Yes:  36%

        No:   64%

2)  Do you use the 2007 “identity statement”? (which is: “Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity, based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions, and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.”)

   All of it:                                  40%

   Just the first sentence:         7%

   Just the second sentence: 30%

   None of it:                              23%

3) Do you use the current branding tag line? (which is: “A positive path for spiritual living.”

     Yes:  85%

      No:   15%

4) Your theology includes the following? (People could vote for more than one choice.)

Metaphysical                 86%

New Thought                99%

Interfaith                        41%

 Fillmorian                     65%

Universal Spirituality   55%

Christians                     39%

Other                             13%

5) In a month how often do you use the Bible in your Sunday talks?

     Very often (4 times or more)          57%

      Occasionally (2 to 3)                     32%

       Rarely (1 time)                                 11%

       Never                                                 0%

6) In a month how often do you use other scriptures besides the Bible in your Sunday talks?

   Very often (4 or more time)               29%

    Occasionally (2 to 3).                         45%

     Rarely.           (1 time).                         25%

     Never.                                                     2%

Several other questions were asked. We were asked if we ever attended Rev. Groverland’s “Focused Ministries” seminar. Thirty-seven percent had never attended one of these seminars; 45% had attended one of the seminars; and 19% had attended two or more of the seminars.

We were also asked if we are using the ideas expressed in these seminars in our churches? About 56% said no; 17% said yes; and 27% said that they were partially using these ideas.

Well, the Unity Worldwide, Ministries Board has made several decisions based on all of the above and their inquiries. The Board’s first decision is to stick with the current branding package for the time being. This includes the “identity statement” and tag line stated above.

The UWM Board’s second decision has been to instruct Rev. Shad and the UWM staff not to refer to UWM as a specifically Christian organization. Meanwhile, UWM Board is continuing to look into all aspects of this issue.

So let me first state my personal views, on all of the above. On a personal level I would consider myself to be a progressive, metaphysical, New Thought Christian— with strong Jewish roots.

However, I have been a minister in Tulsa Oklahoma – – which is Oral Roberts country— and a Minister in Lynchburg, Virginia— which is Jerry Falwell country. I realize that when I use the word Christian I mean something very different from the Revs. Roberts and Falwell.

The current UWM branding information does a good job in making this distinction very clear.

I strongly believe that Unity should be “wide tent,” and that many in that tent may not feel comfortable with the word Christian for a whole range of valid reasons. I see the diversity within the Unity movement as a strength and not a weakness!

But more importantly I am very interested in your views about the above. Please either send us an email or why don’t we sit down and talk to each other the old fashion way: face-to-face. I believe these issues are really important, and I would love to hear your views on all of the above.

These issues are much too important to be left to a bunch of ministers!

Unity in the Seven Hills .

Unity in the Seven Hills is a spiritual community associated with Unity Worldwide Ministries


