As we come up to the New Year, I am going to suggest that you make at least one positive resolution.

Normally, I am not a big advocate of New Year’s resolutions. I think what happens to so many of us is that we make big resolutions to lose weight, exercise, cut down on our drinking (In my case it would be to drink less diet soda and coffee), etc.

We may not sign “blood oaths,” but we are often full of strong resolutions at the start of January. However, before Valentine’s Day even arrives, we are all too many times falling down on our promises. We are not visiting the gym where we got a new and expensive membership, and/or we are snacking on the junk food that we promised to give up.

Nevertheless, I am asking you to consider making one positive resolution, which I think will really help your spiritual walk in 2024. This is also a resolution which I think you will be able to keep.

The resolution, I am asking you to make centers around small, spiritual groups. Traditionally in our society these small groups have often been Bible studies in people’s homes. But recently, the numbers and types of small spiritual groups has been growing by leaps and bounds.

These small spiritual groups have taken many different forms from Buddhist “sanghas” to Jewish “havurahots.”  “Sanghas” means “communities” and “havirahots” means “friendship.” So think of them all as being small communities of friendship.

In Unity there also has been a recent rise in the number of small spiritual groups, which have blossomed as communities of friendship. These groups often are study circles, support groups, etc. These small groups are in person at church or home. But they are also often online. Many are hybrid and exist both in person and online at the same time.

I think there is a reason why these small, spiritual groups are growing, and they are filling a very important function within the lives of many spiritual seekers. We live in a very impersonal culture of rugged individualism. Data indicates that many Americans have very few close friends.

Remember, the television show CHEERS? The theme song of the show had the line that said that in this Boston bar— where most of the show took place— “everybody knows your name.” So many of us are craving for that close personal contact with like-minded people.

Don’t get me wrong: Going to church on Sunday is important! But we can also add to the Sunday experience by becoming active members of smaller spiritual circles— where everybody knows your name and what you are going through!

Shawnelle Eliasen

I recently read a post by Shawnelle Eliasen— a writer on spiritual subjects— that really captured the importance of small spiritual circles — be they formal or informal groups. Shawnelle and her husband Lonnie, who live in LeClaire, Iowa, ran into some old friends— Chris and Maryanne. It had been many moons since they had seen them, and they started chatting.

“Hey, we should think about getting together regularly,” Chris said. A few days later the four of them met in Lonnie and Shawnelle’s home. While the Eliasen’s schedule was “commitment-tight” they loved the evening with their friends.

“Chris and Mary Ann have a way about them, and as we took chairs in the living room, I understood why Lonnie and I are drawn to them,” Shawnelle said. “This couple’s love of spiritual things is powerful. They know how to live in grace and glory,” she noted.

Shawnelle added that “words become worship and our home becomes holy ground. We share from secret spaces. We trust one, another, and guard gates open wide. We pray, and these prayers hold power.”

“The calendar on the wall is still crowded. But when our friends wave goodbye, I shout from the porch, ‘See you soon.’ Two weeks from tonight, this is where I need to be,” Shawnelle comments. And so another small Spiritual group is born!

The neat thing is that at Unity in the Seven Hills we have a number of small spiritual groups that you can easily join. Some of these groups are in person, some of them are online, and some of them are hybrid (both in person and online). The wonderful thing is that they are like Cheers (I.e. Everybody will soon know your name and will be able to help you in your spiritual walk!)

Let me list a few of the small spiritual groups that are here, but to see a fuller list go to the U7H website ( or look at our newsletter or Wednesday email (Contact the U7H office if you are not regularly getting this Wednesday email).

Why not try some of these small spiritual groups in 2024:

—UNITY RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD: This group both meets in person at Unity of Roanoke Valley and on Zoom at 10:30 am on Tuesdays. Facilitated by Rev. Rick, this group delves into applying spiritual principles to the life challenges that we face.

—UNITY BOOK CLUB: This group is currently examining a wonderful book by Unity teacher Eric Butterworth (IN THE FLOW OF LIFE). It meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 PM on zoom Rev. Rick facilitates this group.

— THE SPIRIT CIRCLE on SPIRITUAL ECONOMICS by Eric Butterworth. This group will start meeting in February on Monday nights at 7 PM on zoom. It will go into greater detail on spiritual economics, abundance, and prosperity. It will also be facilitated by Rev. Rick


—ONE TO ONENESS: This group meets at 6:30 PM, Tuesday nights, both at the church and on zoom. It is reading the TAO TE CHING, and it is facilitated by Ari Yahm. To get the Zoom link contact Ari at the U7H office.)

—THE MYSTICAL TO METAPHYSICAL GROUP: Led by Pamela Smith, this group looks at a wide range of mystical and metaphysical topics. It meets on Wednesdays – – both at the church and online – – at 1:30 PM. To get the zoom link, contact Ari in the U7H office.)

There are also other small groups at U7H that range from A COURSE IN MIRACLES to WISE WOMEN. The U7H office has more information on all of them!

As I noted, I am not usually big on New Year’s resolutions, but I do think being active in a small spiritual group really will help you to spiritually grow in the coming year.

If you would be interested in forming a new small spiritual group, please, either text or call me at: 571. 215. 9481.

Remember the saying from the 1960s: SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL!

Unity in the Seven Hills .

Unity in the Seven Hills is a spiritual community associated with Unity Worldwide Ministries


