I have never understood the logic behind a God who might have spoken to us in “olden days” but now has become part of the “silent generation.”

Has God stopped talking to us, and is he or she holding their breath until they turn blue? I know that the Bible does mention that right before the prophet and priest, Samuel, showed up, the Hebrew people had not heard from God for many generations. But I believe it was because they forgot to plug their radios in and turn their radios on.

For me, I think a key part of the loving God that Unity preaches is a Spirit that wants to communicate with us. The trouble is that we are often too busy to take the time to listen.

I believe that I could explain these beliefs that I have even to a strident atheist or agnostic. I would tell them that metaphorically or minds can be compared to a V-8 engine, and on most days many of us are only functioning with four of the eight cylinders and pistons. That means that at least half of our pistons and cylinders are “out to lunch” or “missing in action.”

But there are times when we are in the flow and “really cooking with gas.” At those peak times we are functioning like a V-10 engine. Where did those two extra pistons and cylinders come from? That is the great spiritual mystery. But our Higher Self is filling us with wisdom and “intuitively we know how to handle situations which use to baffle us.”

Remember that when Spirit started speaking to Samuel, he was a lowly nobody! So, it does not surprise me in the least that Spirit would be speaking to people I know today.

The age of miracles is not past. Revelation from Divine Mind continues. There are a few things that I would suggest you do when you think you are hearing from Spirit:

— I would suggest that you be reading from scriptures that have been considered sacred in the past. If what you are hearing radically diverges from the heart of this past sacred wisdom, then I would suggest that you go into some deep meditation and prayer before you post your new-found revelation on Instagram, Tik Tok, or Facebook.

—I would suggest that you have a trusted spiritual mentor that you are working with. Share with them what you believe you have heard.

With all of the above in mind, I have read some wonderful “channeled“ writing by a number of contemporary authors. I think it’s important to remember that A COURSE IN MIRACLES is a key example of modern channeled literature. I have said that a Unity church without A COURSE IN MIRACLES group is sort of like an IHOP that doesn’t serve pancakes.

Susan Gallaher

For these reasons, I was so delighted and honored to receive a book by one of Unity in the Seven Hills’ members, Susan Gallaher. The title of the book is: The Little One Diaries: Volume One. In it is some of the wisdom that Susan has received from Spirit. I have been bowled over by Susan’s book. I think on many days Susan was in such a flow that her consciousness was operating at the level of a V-12 engine.

But one of the subjects that Spirit talks to Susan about is why we have fear, anger, and even egos. We often castigate fear, anger, and the ego— and rightly so. For many of us these three things have led us astray and down wrong and no good, dark roads.

But what Spirit has cautioned Susan is that fear, anger, and our egos are God-given qualities to us. We have them for a reason and a purpose. A healthy sense of fear can keep us alive. For our ancient ancestors, the fear of running across a sabretooth tiger was a life enhancing and sustaining quality.

But we live in an era where sabretooth tigers are extinct. Yet fear for many of us looms all too large and is this free-floating storm that seems to constantly hover over our heads. A touch or a pinch of fear works to our advantage. But many of us have allowed fear to be vastly magnified beyond all sane proportions.

Thus, it is not the total elimination of fear that we should be gearing for. It is the “rightsizing” of fear inside of us that we should be aiming for. Susan’s book contains so much wisdom from Spirit about what this rightsizing might look like and how it can be accomplished. For most of us this process looks like a vast downsizing of our fears and an increase in our faith, love, wisdom, service and joy.

The same can be said for the ego. We need this executive function to remember to pay the rent or mortgage. As I have said, it is good to have an ego in your car. Just don’t put that ego in the driver’s seat. I have found that much of the wisdom Spirit has imparted to Susan to be very useful in rightsizing the ego.

But it is in anger that I would really like to directly quote Spirit’s words to Susan.

“Anger is a teacher. When your heart is open, little one, anger shows you where your energy blocks are, where there is congealed energy— Karma, if you will. When anger is experienced by an open heart, it is a moment of insight, a moment of grace,” Spirit said to Susan.

“Anger always requires a response— something to balance the energy, to dissolve the blockage,” Spirit added.

I think it is important to remember that some fears, anger, and ego thoughts can play a positive role in our life. They are God- given qualities. However, the problem is that we often let fear, anger, and our ego get out of balance. But rightsizing is possible!

I am glad that we live in an age when Spirit still wants to— and does— speak to us.

Unity in the Seven Hills .

Unity in the Seven Hills is a spiritual community associated with Unity Worldwide Ministries


